Exponentially Human
A wonderful collaboration with one of the most transformative ladies on planet Earth, extremely passionate about purposeful human transformation.
Starting with a unique logo, where hundreds of ideas came to life, the brush circle Enso embracing h-x took the lead. Enso, a sacred symbol in Zen Buddhism meaning the circle of togetherness and therefore perfectly connects with the company’s mission, which is awakening human leadership through presence, acting on purpose and finding compassion to benefit people, profits and peace.
Čudovito sodelovanje z dvema nadvse transformativnima damama na planetu Zemlja, ki trdno strmita k človeški preobrazbi.
Priceli smo z oblikovanjem logotipa, kjer je oživelo na stotine idej, a je krog čopiča Enso, ki zajema h-x, prevzel glavno besedo. Enso, sveti simbol zen budizma, ki simbolizira krog povezanosti, se tako popolno povezuje s poslanstvom podjetja, ki je prebujanje človeškega vodstva s prisotnostjo, namenskim delovanjem in iskanjem sočutja v korist ljudi, dobička in miru.