Farm Vogar
In the embrace of the Upper Sava valley, below Storžič, lies a beautiful place with the name “Babni vrt”. The name of the village originates from the beginning of the 13th century. when women, so-called “babe”, carefully cultivated the countess’s fenced garden. And today, we find very pleasant people who carefully continue the tradition, and cultivate their fertile land. The Vogar farm is one of those wonderful farms found in this center of unspoiled nature.
V objemu Zgornjesavske doline, na poti pod Storžičem, leži prelep kraj z imenom Babni vrt. Ime vasi, izvira iz začetka 13. stoletja, ko so ženske ,t.i. »babe«, skrbno obdelovale ograjen grofičin vrt.
In danes, v tej vasi najdemo prav prijetne ljudi, ki skrbno nadaljujejo tradicijo, ter obdelujejo rodovitno zemljo.
Kmetija Vogar, je tako ena izmed prečudovitih kmetij, ki jih najdemo tu, v središču neokrnjene narave. Tu, kjer, že v ranem jutru, po kruhu zadiši, solata brsti in ročno oblikujejo se Nežini nudeljčki in rezanci.